The Christmas Winter Wonderland Medium Hand Tied Bouquet brings together a playful combination of deep winter-berry-red, icy pink and frosty white tones with accents of gold for the touch of glamour this season is all about...
To create the fundamental structure of this arrangement, aromatic branches of long lasting pine and snow dusted cherry blossom are used to evoke enough of a festive feel alongside the mulled wine coloured chrysanthenums and scabiosas to allow for the unexpected introduction of a very unique variety of white eustoma flowers, all of which have a fuscia pink edging- as if dipped in cranberry sauce! Providing continuity onto the white velvet-like amaranthus stems, these lend themselves to the brassica which have an icy pink centre to provide just as much graduation onto the dusy pink-kissed berzellia and helleborus, as they do onto roses which too come in snow white and icy pink. Offering a luxuriously delicate aspect to the arrangement which then compliments the wide variety of metalic pieces in rose gold and yellow golds, like pieces of jewellery they each catch the light and sparkle like the warm glistening rays of the low lying winter sun...
Then to add a final touch of tradition, sprigs of mistletoe with their pearl-like berries are used as a finishing touch.
Christmas Winter Wonderland Medium Hand Tied Bouquet
Delivered in entirely plastic-free and compostable packaging, our letterbox flowers reflect our commitment to sustainability. From the plant-based cellophane to the cardboard and vegetable-based transport gel, every element is designed with the environment in mind.